Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our parents are dead and we are mad about it. Our parents did not deserve to die at the hands of a selfish and wreckless woman that could not resist the urge to text. She was texting while traveling at a high rate of speed on a Texas highway on Novembert 12, 2007. What makes it even worse, she faces no penalty for killing two people. She has not received a traffic citation, no criminal charges, no driver's license suspension...nothing. She hasn't even paid a fine. She crossed 3 lanes traveling south, a wide grassy median, and 2 more northbound lanes when she killed our mom on impact. Our dad remained in the ShockTrauma ICU for 40 days until died. To add insult to injury, her driving record shows the accident was non-fatal. NON-FATAL???!!! Were our parents just non-existent. What a slap in the face!!! Its like telling me that our mom and dad were debris on side of the road that merely required clean up. NON-FATAL, as if no human life existed in the car that our parents were driving.


Sadly, if a person is caught texting while driving, its nothing more than a petty misdemeanor. If someone kills two people while sending a text message, according to the grand jury in Brazoria County, TX...No Bill, No Indictment, No Punishment, No Fine, No Probation, No Citation.

Is that justice?

Look for more information concerning H.O.T.S- Hands on the Steering Wheel.

Denise Roberts-Magee
Callie Roberts-Tolbert


Unknown said...

Denise and Callie, thank you both sooooo much for this wake up call! If there is anything I can do to help this wonderful cause please feel free to call upon me. This Blog will be shared with everyone that I know and I will challange everyone else to pass this along. I am so sorry that you both paid such a tragic price to get the awarenes of texting while driving out!

Kelly said...

Callie and Denise, I truly believe that the two of you will make a difference. For those of us that know you and know the intensity of the love that you have for your parents and the relationship you had with your parents, our hearts bleed for you and your loss. I really firmly believe that change will come from this blog that the two of you have started. You keep fighting for you know is right. You are a true soldier and I know that once you start on a mission, you will not stop until prevail.

Terri said...

Callie and Denise - I will forward this on to everyone I know to help educate them all of the tragic consequences of texting and driving. My prayers remain with you two and your family.

Joanna said...

That woman needs to be locked up. She is guilty of, at least, criminal negligence and the fact that she has not had any consequences for her actions brings to light serious problems with our justice system. It is absolutely ridiculous. I hope that you try and contact the local news agencies to get them to bring the situation to light and force people in our government to take action.

Rhonda said...

Callie and Denise I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers. I know that you guys will make a difference. This will definitely give a wake up call! Continue to stay strong and I will forward this on.

Iresha said...

I am so proud of the change you two are trying to make. This is some BS if I ever heard any. I don't care what the cell phone laws are, what about the fact that you caused two people to die? What about the criminal laws? Regardless of the fact that there are no cell phone laws in place, it doesn't matter what caused you to take two lives, just the fact that two lives are gone, at your hands is what should matter. How do you live with yourself knowing that you have offered no condolences to your victims family? That is the least you can do, even if your actions were an accident, that does not take the grief away from the victims. Keep fighting for change ladies. It's already been proven to us with the nomination of presidential candidate Barack Obama that "It's time for change!" I'm on your side. Love you girls!

Anonymous said...

Denise & Callie, First I must say that I love you dearly; not just because I am your Aunt but because of the strong virtuous women your parents have raised you to become.
I feel every ounce of your pain because my sister and my mother's only other daughter and baby child has been taken from this family as a speck of dirt being swept under the rug. I pray that this blog will reach the person that God knows we need to intervene on behalf of the family. With no justice there is no peace! The family needs peace so that we can have closure. I am here to support and encourage you with your mission. Remembe I am just a phone call away!! Love Ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody, thank you so much for your support. I am thrilled that we have had 103 views of our blog in just 2 days. So many views, not enough comments. I want to urge everyone that views our blog to post a comment. We need to hear what you have to say whether it be advice, words of encouragement, or just the need to vent. Please say what's on your mind and in your hearts.

Anonymous said...

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you....James 4:8 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:7

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. The Sunflower Church of Christ is here for you. Please feel free to call us at (713) 734-2806 or on my cell @(713) 825-7925. We would love for you to visit us at 5070 Sunflower in Houston, TX.

Creshendalh Clark

Anonymous said...

"Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations...knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work so that you will be perfect and enitre, wanting nothing."

Your cousin and I were going through a difficult time early in our marriage because we were both young. Argument, after argument, money was low, and we didn't know how we were going to make it. Just to show you how God works......I received a phone call about 9:00 p.m. one night, and it was DeDe on the phone. She explained to me that God had put us on her mind. In that conversation, I'll never forget, she quoted the above verse from James 1:2-5.

I say to you both, hold on! You're going through hell right now, but God is still in control. I say to you hold on! Be strong! God has not forgotten about you. And He's about to show himself strong on your behalf. All you have to is hold on!

Anonymous said...

Callie and Denise, Proverbs 16:9 says In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. I commend you girls, this blog site will not only help you but educate those who think that nothing can happen to them if they are not giving 100% of their attention to the highway. You could have chosen many ways to receive justice,but you let the Lord guide your steps to form this website and help many. Know that God has a plan, and he will get his justice on this woman who acts as if nothing happpened. Continue to do what you are doing. Anything that I can do, please let me know, you know I am always here. I Love you girls.

Chai said...

Denise and Callie, first and foremost I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences and prayers to you and your family. You ladies are to be commended for taking a stand and informing others about this atrocity of justice. Stay encouraged and vigilant in your endeavors ladies. I will definitely be forwarding your message along.

Ladydora99 said...

Callie and Denise, I pray that each day God grants you peace and strength to continue your healing process and the path that you are now both on, to save others. It's diffcult to lose one parent but to have both of them taken is heart breaking. I know that God will keep you both in a palm of his hand and strengthen your walk with him. I stand with you both in this quest to raise awareness. I can’t understand why she wasn’t charged. But our Father is heaven knows all and sees all

Anonymous said...

Denise and Callie,
Jesus is the only person that can ease the pain you both must feel. It is without doubt that this is a case for God. You have already made a difference by informing me. But I'm going to do my part and passing this around and by faith everything that should happen will happen. God never fails.

Anonymous said...

denise and callie, i am shocked and so sad to know that the people in power in brazoria county are so grossly incompetent and careless with such a loss. i am truly sorry because mervyn and dee dee were wonderful people and parents.

i will miss them as long as i'm still around. the thought of them as i pass their house is sometimes so raw it is as if it just happened.

is there any chance that you can sue this person? i know money is not what you seek, but it will put a change to her driving record and let the state of texas show that the wreck resulted in two fatalities.

if there is anything that you need or want. michelle has my phone number and i am only a phone call away anytime. i love you both.
cynthia gayle glass edwards

Anonymous said...

Denise & Callie, Greetings This is Stacy one of the twins! I want you both two know that your parents did not die in vine! Justice will prevail for the fact that they both were blessed people and they raised you ladies to be strong! I will help in this fight for justice by forwarding this to as many people as I know. I was in a similar accident about a year ago! By the Grace of God I did not get badley hurt..But the officer did not even take this young man to jail! the man that hit me was a drunk driver! the officer told me he would only take his license for that night,because the jails may be to full, and then made a comment that "AT LEAST YOU WOULD GET A NEW CAR! THE NERVE.. I told him it was not about money! it was about getting people like this man off our highways! Peace be with you both! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Denise and Callie, Thank you both for this wake up call. This was very tragic and this lady needs to be held accountable for what she has done. Don't give up. God is in Control.

ladydrsha said...

Denise & Callie when I heard about this tragedy my heart & prayers went out to your family. To now know that not even criminal negligent homicide charges were filed is very disturbing. I lost my brother-in-law and almost his wife in a similiar situation around the same time and the person who hit them has yet to be charged also. So I definitely feel your pain. I will do my part to spread this around because I believe that this is truly a cause worth fighting for. Know that God has your back and many people are praying for you young ladies in this endeavor. Peace.

Anonymous said...

wow that woman needs to be put in jail or something becuz to kill two people becuz of txting while driving (thats two offences right there and not get fined or anything is JUST WROG....What is wrong with our world these days?!?!?!?!?!? I'm Sorry that happened to them and you